I only import from small farmers, do I need to comply with FSVP? First, yes. If your activities qualify for importing certain foods from certain small foreign suppliers, you are still required to...
I import from Canada, aren’t the rules modified for me? It depends. The rules are modified provided that: Your supplier is in, and under the regulatory oversight of, a country...
What if I deliver to multiple sites for one US buyer? US importers are allowed to manage their FSVP program by site or they can retain their FSVP records in a...
What if there is no U.S. Buyer? When there is no U.S. buyer (i.e. no entity in the U.S. which owns the goods, has purchased the goods,...
I have the Importer’s FSVP information for US Entry purposes. Am I liable if they don’t properly comply with the FDA Foreign Supplier Verification Program. The FDA guidance documents suggest that the U.S. based FSVP importer is the party responsible for FSVP compliance, not the...