Do I qualify as a Very Small Importer? You are defined as a “Very Small Importer” if, during the previous 3‐year period (ending 1 year before the calendar...
Who is a U.S. Agent or Representative and what do they do? A U.S. Agent or Representative is a person who is designated as the importer by the foreign owner or consignee....
I am a Very Small Importer, do I need to comply with FSVP? First, yes. If you meet the definition of Very Small Importer and elect to import foods as such, you are...
I import from Canada, aren’t the rules modified for me? It depends. The rules are modified provided that: Your supplier is in, and under the regulatory oversight of, a country...
What about livestock? On March 21, 2018, FDA released guidance on this very subject, wherein they indicated that they intended to exercise enforcement...